(717) 867-2421


Featured Classes

  • Cycling

    Sweat it out in Cycling every Tues @5:30pm& Thurs @5:30pm with Linda!

  • SilverSneakers

    Join us at SilverSneakers!


We have a great family of well certified trainers! 

John Palmer-

Hi! My name is John Palmer. I am a personal trainer who's been involved with fitness my entire life. I've trained with and have been influenced by state champion bodybuilders and powerlifters. This influence and my passion led me to obtain a fitness certification 4 years ago. My main focus is developing programs for my clients to achieve a balanced, healthier lifestyle that works best for them. I believe everyone has different goals and one size does not fit all. My life is balanced with my faith, fitness and spending as much time as possible with my children. For more information you can contact me at 717-475-2145.

Kim Brightbill-

Kim is the co-owner and aerobic director. She also teaches Silver Sneakers Class and Yoga Stretch for the last 19 years.

Kim and Nathan Brightbill have been the owners for almost 32 years.




Contact Us

Phone: 717.867.2421

Address: 807 E Main St (REAR), Annville, PA 17003

Website: www.annvillefitnesscenter.com



M-F: 5:00am - 9:00pm

Sat: 7:00am - 3:00pm

Sun: Closed

(Note: These are normal operating hours.  Please see our home page for holiday announcements)